
MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF - pdf - 电子书免费下载


MVVM (Model View View Model) is a Microsoft best practices pattern for working in WPF and Silverlight that is highly recommended by both Microsoft and industry experts alike. This book will look at the reasons for the pattern still being slow to become an industry standard, addressing the pain points of MVVM. It will help Silverlight and WPF programmers get up and running quickly with this useful pattern.

MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF will help you to choose the best MVVM approach for your project while giving you the tools, techniques, and confidence that you will need to succeed. Implementing MVVM can be a challenge, and this book will walk you through the main issues you will come across when using the pattern in real world enterprise applications.

This book will help you to improve your WPF and Silverlight application design, allowing you to tackle the many challenges in creating presentation architectures for enterprise applications. You will be given examples that show the strengths and weaknesses of each of the major patterns. The book then dives into a full 3 tier enterprise implementation of MVVM and takes you through the various options available and trade-offs for each approach. During your journey you will see how to satisfy all the demands of modern WPF and Silverlight enterprise applications including scalability, testability, extensibility, and blendability.

Complete your transition from ASP.NET and WinForms to Silverlight and WPF by embracing the new tools of these platforms, and the new design style that they allow for. MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF will get you up to speed and ready to take advantage of this powerful new presentation platform.

What you will learn from this book

  • Maximize separation of concerns by taking advantage of WPF and Silverlight’s rich binding system, templates, and commanding infrastructure
  • Discover the built-in support for MVVM in Entity Framework and WCF
  • Create unit testable user interfaces the MVVM way
  • Work in parallel with minimal dependencies by creating blendable architectures
  • Solve common MVVM problems both with and without frameworks depending on your preference
  • Extend your architecture and test it by using inversion of control frameworks
  • Tackle complex designs by using hierarchical view model design and mediators
  • Reduce the amount of code in your user interface by letting the WPF and Silverlights binding system eliminate your need to do things like casting controls and dispatching
  • Best practices for dealing with collections
  • Create designs that allow for dramatically changing your user interface without having to change code outside the view using data templates





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