

SDK原版参考,代码采用ApprenticeServer模式开发,可用于独立exe程序插件,内置插件想参考的话,需要改写。Inventor api 禁止内置插件对ApprenticeServer访问。


复制文件和更新引用的最佳方法取决于你的需求。如果你想要相同的文件名,那么除了将一组文件复制到一个新目录外,你不需要做任何事情,然后确保你的项目只引用那个目录。由于所有名字都相同,Inventor 将能够找到引用的文件。

如果你需要更改任何名称,那么你需要更新引用。这可能是最典型的场景,也是这个工具所展示的。Apprentice 是解决这一问题的最佳方案。它提供了关于更改文件引用最多的功能。Apprentice 不应该在 Inventor 的 VBA 中使用。你可以在另一个应用程序(例如 Excel)中使用 VBA,或选择另一种允许你创建可执行文件的语言。

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub btnBrowse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBrowse.Click
        ' Get the full path of the folder of the existing design.
        dlgFolderBrowser.Description = "Select path of existing files."
        Dim filePath As String
        filePath = dlgFolderBrowser.SelectedPath

        ' Check to see that a path was specified.
        If filePath <> "" Then
            ' Set the text field to the specified path.
            txtDirectoryPath.Text = filePath

            ' Update the displayed path of the new project.
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub txtDirectoryPath_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtDirectoryPath.TextChanged
        ' Update the displayed path of the new project.
    End Sub

    Private Sub txtNewName_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtNewName.TextChanged
        ' Update the displayed path of the new project.
    End Sub

    Private Sub UpdateNewProjectName()
        ' Strip off the last directory from the full path.
        Dim fullPath As String = txtDirectoryPath.Text
        fullPath = fullPath.Substring(0, fullPath.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)

        ' Update the displayed path of the new project.
        lblNewDesignPath.Text = fullPath & txtNewName.Text

        ' Update the pre-pend name for the file names to be copied.
        If chkPrependDesignNameToFileNames.Checked Then
            txtPrependDesignName.Text = txtNewName.Text
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click
        ' Disable the buttons while it's processing
        btnOK.Enabled = False
        btnCancel.Enabled = False

            ' Validate that the specified path for the existing project exists.
            If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(txtDirectoryPath.Text) Then
                MsgBox("The specified path to the existing design does not exist.")
                Exit Sub
            End If

            ' Check to see if the specified path for the new project exists.
            If System.IO.Directory.Exists(lblNewDesignPath.Text) Then
                If MsgBox("The specified path for the new design already exists.  Any existing files in this directory may be overwritten.  Do you want to continue?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo + MsgBoxStyle.Question) = MsgBoxResult.No Then
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                ' Create the output directory.
                Catch ex As Exception
                    MsgBox("Unable to create the directory for the new design: """ & lblNewDesignPath.Text & """")
                    Exit Sub
                End Try
            End If

            ' Get the name of the existing design by getting the name of the directory from the full path.
            Dim fullPath As String = txtDirectoryPath.Text
            Dim existingDesignName As String = fullPath.Substring(fullPath.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)

            ' Get the name of the new design.
            Dim newDesignName As String = txtNewName.Text

            ' Get the full path of the base directory
            Dim baseDirectoryPath As String = fullPath.Substring(0, fullPath.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)

            ' Get the filenames of any drawings. 
            'Dim drawingFilenames() As String = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(baseDirectoryPath & existingDesignName, "*.idw")
            Dim idwdrawingFilenames() As String = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(baseDirectoryPath & existingDesignName, "*.idw")
            Dim dwgDrawingFilenames() As String = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(baseDirectoryPath & existingDesignName, "*.dwg")

            Dim drawingFilenames(idwdrawingFilenames.Length + dwgDrawingFilenames.Length - 1) As String

            Dim i As Long
            For i = 0 To idwdrawingFilenames.Length - 1
                drawingFilenames(i) = idwdrawingFilenames(i)

            Dim j As Long
            For j = 0 To dwgDrawingFilenames.Length - 1
                drawingFilenames(idwdrawingFilenames.Length + j) = dwgDrawingFilenames(j)

            ' Create an instance of Apprentice.
            Dim apprenticeServer As New Inventor.ApprenticeServerComponent

            ' Iterate through the drawing documents.  This assumes that all other documents
            ' are somehow referenced by the drawings.  This can be an indirect reference.  For
            ' example, a part that is used in an assembly that is shown in the drawing is ok.
            Dim currentDrawingFilename As String
            For Each currentDrawingFilename In drawingFilenames
                ' Open the drawing in Apprentice.
                If currentDrawingFilename.Substring(currentDrawingFilename.Length - 3) = "dwg" Then
                    'Skip the file if it's not an Inventor DWG.
                    If Not apprenticeServer.FileManager.IsInventorDWG(currentDrawingFilename) Then
                        Continue For
                    End If

                End If

                Dim drawingDoc As Inventor.ApprenticeServerDocument
                drawingDoc = apprenticeServer.Open(currentDrawingFilename)

                ' Get the FileSaveAs object.
                Dim fileSaveAs As Inventor.FileSaveAs = apprenticeServer.FileSaveAs

                ' Add the drawing to the FileSaveAs object.
                Dim newDrawingFilename As String = drawingDoc.FullFileName
                newDrawingFilename = baseDirectoryPath + newDesignName + "\" + newDrawingFilename.Substring(fullPath.Length + 1)

                ' Prepend design name to filename
                If txtPrependDesignName.Text <> "" Then
                    Dim prependPos As Integer = newDrawingFilename.LastIndexOf("\") + 1
                    newDrawingFilename = newDrawingFilename.Substring(0, prependPos) + txtPrependDesignName.Text + "_" + newDrawingFilename.Substring(prependPos, newDrawingFilename.Length - prependPos)
                End If

                ' Delete the document in case it already exists.
                If System.IO.File.Exists(newDrawingFilename) Then System.IO.File.Delete(newDrawingFilename)

                fileSaveAs.AddFileToSave(drawingDoc, newDrawingFilename)

                ' Copy all the referenced OLE files and re-reference the new copied ones to the drawing document.
                Dim referencedOLEFileDes As Inventor.ReferencedOLEFileDescriptor
                For Each referencedOLEFileDes In drawingDoc.ReferencedOLEFileDescriptors
                    replaceOLEReferencedFiles(referencedOLEFileDes, existingDesignName, newDesignName)


                ' Get all of the documents referenced by this document.
                Dim allReferencedDocs As Inventor.ApprenticeServerDocuments
                allReferencedDocs = drawingDoc.AllReferencedDocuments

                Dim referencedDoc As Inventor.ApprenticeServerDocument
                For Each referencedDoc In allReferencedDocs
                    ' Get the full filename of the current document.
                    Dim designFilename As String = referencedDoc.FullFileName

                    ' Replace instances of the old design name with the new name.
                    designFilename = baseDirectoryPath + newDesignName + "\" + designFilename.Substring(fullPath.Length + 1)

                    ' Prepend design name to filename
                    If txtPrependDesignName.Text <> "" Then
                        Dim prependPos As Integer = designFilename.LastIndexOf("\") + 1
                        designFilename = designFilename.Substring(0, prependPos) + txtPrependDesignName.Text + "_" + designFilename.Substring(prependPos, designFilename.Length - prependPos)
                    End If

                    ' Check to see if the specified path for the file exists.
                    If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(designFilename.Substring(0, designFilename.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)) Then
                        ' Create the output directory.
                            System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(designFilename.Substring(0, designFilename.LastIndexOf("\") + 1))
                        Catch ex As Exception
                            MsgBox("Unable to create the directory for the file: """ & designFilename & """")
                            Exit Sub
                        End Try
                    End If

                    ' Add the current file to the FileSaveAs object.
                    fileSaveAs.AddFileToSave(referencedDoc, designFilename)

                    ' Delete the document in case it already exists.
                    If System.IO.File.Exists(designFilename) Then System.IO.File.Delete(designFilename)

                    ' Copy all the referenced OLE files and re-reference the new copied ones to the drawing document.
                    For Each referencedOLEFileDes In referencedDoc.ReferencedOLEFileDescriptors
                        replaceOLEReferencedFiles(referencedOLEFileDes, existingDesignName, newDesignName)


                ' Do the save copy as of all the files.

                ' Close the drawing.
                For Each referencedDoc In allReferencedDocs

            MsgBox("Finished copying design.")
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("Unexpected error while processing files.")
        End Try

        btnOK.Enabled = True
        btnCancel.Enabled = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub chkPrependDesignNameToFileNames_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkPrependDesignNameToFileNames.CheckedChanged
        If chkPrependDesignNameToFileNames.Checked Then
            txtPrependDesignName.Text = txtNewName.Text
            txtPrependDesignName.Text = ""
        End If

    End Sub

    ' Copy and replace the OLE referenced files
    Private Sub replaceOLEReferencedFiles(ByRef referencedOLEFileDes As Inventor.ReferencedOLEFileDescriptor, ByVal existingDesignName As String, ByVal newDesignName As String)
        ' only linked OLE files will be copied and re-referenced to new design documents.
        If referencedOLEFileDes.OLEDocumentType = Inventor.OLEDocumentTypeEnum.kOLEDocumentLinkObject Then
            ' Get the full filename of the referenced OLE file.
            Dim originDesignOLEFileName As String = referencedOLEFileDes.FullFileName
            Dim designOLEFileName As String = originDesignOLEFileName
            Dim fullPath As String = txtDirectoryPath.Text
            ' Get the full path of the base directory
            Dim baseDirectoryPath As String = fullPath.Substring(0, fullPath.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)

            Dim sOleDirSplit() As String, sDirPathSplit() As String, i As Integer, iLess As Integer, sSubDir As String = "", bContinueCompare As Boolean = True
            sOleDirSplit = Split(originDesignOLEFileName, "\")
            sDirPathSplit = Split(fullPath, "\")
            iLess = IIf(sOleDirSplit.Length > sDirPathSplit.Length, sDirPathSplit.Length, sOleDirSplit.Length)
            For i = 1 To iLess
                If bContinueCompare Then
                    If System.String.Compare(LCase(sOleDirSplit(i - 1)), LCase(sDirPathSplit(i - 1))) = 0 Then
                        bContinueCompare = False
                        If i <> 1 Then
                            sSubDir = sSubDir + sOleDirSplit(i - 1) + "\"
                        End If

                    End If
                    If i = iLess Then
                        sSubDir = sSubDir + sOleDirSplit(i - 1)
                        sSubDir = sSubDir + sOleDirSplit(i - 1) + "\"
                    End If

                End If
            If System.IO.File.Exists(originDesignOLEFileName) Then
                ' Replace the old design name with new name.
                designOLEFileName = baseDirectoryPath + newDesignName + "\" + sSubDir

                If Not (System.IO.Directory.Exists(designOLEFileName.Substring(0, designOLEFileName.LastIndexOf("\")))) Then
                    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(designOLEFileName.Substring(0, designOLEFileName.LastIndexOf("\")))
                End If

                ' Prepend design name to filename
                If txtPrependDesignName.Text <> "" Then
                    Dim prependPos As Integer = originDesignOLEFileName.LastIndexOf("\") + 1
                    designOLEFileName = designOLEFileName + txtPrependDesignName.Text + "_" + originDesignOLEFileName.Substring(prependPos, originDesignOLEFileName.Length - prependPos)
                End If

                System.IO.File.Copy(originDesignOLEFileName, designOLEFileName, True)

                ' reference to new OLE files.
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

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