
C++ in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself, 8th Edition - pdf - 电子书免费下载


In just one hour a day, you’ll have all the skills you need to begin programming in C++. With this complete tutorial, you’ll quickly master the basics, and then move on to more advanced features and concepts. Completely updated for the C++14 standard, with a preview of C++17, this book presents the language from a practical point of view, helping you learn how to use C++ to create faster, simpler, and more efficient C++ applications.

  • Master the fundamentals of C++ and object-oriented programming
  • Understand how C++ features help you write compact and efficient code using concepts such as lambda expressions, move constructors, and assignment operators
  • Learn best practices and avoid pitfalls via useful Do’s and Don’ts
  • Learn the Standard Template Library, including containers and algorithms used in most real-world C++ applications
  • Test your knowledge and expertise with exercises at the end of every lesson

Learn on your own time, at your own pace

  • No previous programming experience required
  • Write fast and powerful C++ programs, compile the source code, and create executable files
  • Learn object-oriented programming concepts such as encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism
  • Use the Standard Template Library’s algorithms and containers to write feature-rich yet stable C++ applications
  • Learn how automatic type deduction helps simplify C++ code
  • Develop sophisticated programming techniques using lambda expressions, smart pointers, and move constructors
  • Master the features of C++ by learning from programming experts
  • Learn C++ features that allow you to program compact and high-performance C++ applications
  • Preview what’s new in C++17





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