
Cross-platform Localization for Native Mobile Apps with Xamarin - pdf - 电子书免费下载


This book walks the developer through the process of tailoring their apps in order to appeal to a global market. Microsoft MVP Chris Miller steps you through the process of enabling multiple language support, while using a single shared set of language resources using the .NET Framework.  .NET makes it easy to support multiple languages and cultures.

Starting with a simple mobile application, the author demonstrates how to adapt it for the Android, iOS, and Windows platforms, showing how to handle the localization with resource files and how to handle internationalization on each platform.

Readers will learn how to test the application for the localization support and how to avoid common pitfalls. Using Xamarin.Forms and Visual Studio, the app will be implemented for Android, iOS, and Windows 10 UWP and 99% of the code will be shared across the platforms.

What You Will Learn:

  • Localization and Internationalization and why they matter
  • How multiple languages are supported on each platform
  • How cultural differences like dates and currencies are handled
  • How to use tools like Microsoft’s Multilingual App Toolkit to manage language resources
  • How to create an localized, cross-platform app with Android Studio, Xcode, Xamarin and Visual Studio tools
  • How to get help translating the text from the application
Who This Book Is For:

Mobile app developers currently writing native apps for Windows Phone, Android, and iOS.  The Android and iOS native apps will be written using Xamarin and also with the native tool kits, the Windows apps with the stock Visual Studio tools.





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